Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Obligatory Introduction

Today I've decided to be optimistic, joyous, even a bit blithe!

Connecticut it seems has a thriving scene of artists, musicians, and freaks alike. So much so that even the Fairfield County hipsters will have regretted their decision to gentrify working class neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

What say you? Have you been listening to the jaded masses of thirty-somethings who couldn't cash in on their wishes for fame and fortune?  Have you heard repeatedly that the scene is long dead from the lips of people too "busy" to venture three blocks to the nearest venue?

I'm here to tell you that they lie.

Don't get me wrong, there is a steaming pile of pure spit and bile eager to sell you the latest watered down commercial hackery. Take a deeper look.

I intend to remain anonymous to assure my voice remains unfettered by bias or fear of retribution. Because like any scene, nepotism and clique-ish group thought permeates what should be an exchange of ideas and an evolution, not in sound, but in expectation of what local music has to be.

A check to balance the rampant fame whore culture of mainstream music, a voice not of commercial gain, but of artistic integrity. I'll leave you with a few examples of fine artists.

Until next time, go to a show!

27 Prophets

This Time Down


White Cheddar